Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Well here's a project that went straight to "Must See Now" for me

Last night I was watching 24/7 (fantastic show, by the way) and Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale were watching Manny Pacquiao train and it made me wonder if they were researching roles- especially Bale. Then today I read this.

The fact that David Russell is involved adds a huge excitement/what-the-fuck/SWEET! aspect to it. I'm a huge fan of Bale's and have been for awhile, long before Batman and his work is nothing less than astounding. I'm also a big fan of Wahlberg's. He's a great actor who is capable of much more than he sometimes gets credit for as evidence in Boogie Nights, Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees and The Departed. David Russell makes fascinating films with a completely original spirit and tone. What he would bring to a movie like this intrigues me. Let the David Russell/Christian Bale flipout jokes commence, but regardless this movie could be something special and amazing.