Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin - Rest in Peace, motherfucker

Here was a man who fought for freedom of speech with his famed 7 Dirty Words. He always marched to the beat of his own drum and if you didn't like it, could fuck yourself. His uncanny ability to pull the bullshit out of situations is unparalleled. I saw him live in Las Vegas about 10 years ago and he made fun of men who wore cowboy hats and had earrings. He was brutal and that kind of shyte is right up my alley. I watched 2 couples walk out, one of which the man was yelling "You've changed!" Um, no sir, you have just grown into the very thing Carlin has always made fun of. He was wearing a cowboy hat. I couldn't tell if he had an earring on or not. I've posted the first 20 minutes of his last televised standup special. It's extremelu appropriate. He has a scathing section about what people say to you when someone dies. It's the kind of rant that'll have you pissing in your pants laughing, and your fist in the air for how right on the nose he is. Unless, that is, you think he's "changed."

The section I mentioned is at 9:45 and the next clip picks up right where the first leaves off. But if you've got the time, the whole thing is genius.

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